Saturday, February 28, 2009

Politics as Usual

It has been said that democracy is the worst possible form of government, with the exception of all the others. I agree. It's source of strength is also it's greatest weakness: the government is chosen by the people.

Being able to choose your own leaders certainly is best; it ensures a high level of accountability to the citizens of the nation. On the other hand, it requires a high level of accountability to the citizens of the nation, as well. A little redundant? Let me explain.

As we watch the events unfold surrounding the economy, I see that politics as usual continue to play out. Despite the fact that the government is digging itself more heavily into debt, no one seems to want to be the one to say "Wait a minute, we can't afford some of these programs." Why? Because that isn't what their constituents want.

Congress is often held hostage by their constituents and special interest groups. If they don't get government support- often taking the form of government programs and money- for these groups, they don't get reelected. Hence, no one wants to be the one to volunteer to make sacrifices.

We want more government services- subsidies, health care, public works, etc. but we don't want to pay taxes to fund them. We wish the government would be more prudent in their spending- but others should take the cuts; we want the same services as we've always had. And we only elect representatives who will do this for us.

We've long lost the sense of sacrificing for the greater good. Now, it's all about maintaining and improving our standard of living at the expense of future generations. Politics as usual.

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